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is the outlet for the following projects.
I’Khoba Textiles Farm Project
The I’Khoba (meaning “wild animals in the Bushman language) Textiles & Bead Farm Project blossomed out of a hobby into a fully-fledged business 37 years ago, in 1983. To begin with, three of the Lacheiner sisters (Karin, Ute and Heidi) produced children’s clothing for the annual Windhoek Christmas market.

Based on enormous demand for the handmade clothes and recognising the lack of opportunity for rural women to work or create income, they employed the wives of farm workers on the family farm, Farm Marburg, in northern Namibia, to produce additional items.

The business soon grew to supply the monthly Windhoek street market and then further still to the opening of a permanent stand at the Windhoek Craft Centre. Today, there are four retail outlets (I’Khoba, Summer Salt, Make Waves, Atelier Haus Hohenzollern) in Swakopmund that sell the I’Khoba product, the original stall in the Namibia Craft Center and a new stall in the Craft Center called Suikerbossie; as well as several lodges throughout Namibia.